
Welcome, friends, to another installment of the /Silly-est webcomic on the Internet! Today's episode sends us deep into the Firelands, a place where everything is either naturally combustible, or soon to become so. We join our raiding heroes mid-break, as the group finishes up reclaiming the scattered remains of having their collective asses handed to them from one of the many savage bosses that reside there. Unfortunately, years of studying foul tomes and demonic rituals under very poor lighting has left our resident warlock with less than adequate vision, and that leads directly into Mr.McGoo-like hijinx.

Thanks again for taking the time to stop by my tiny little corner of the world wide web. Be sure to tip your waiter, and I'll see you next week.

-Arthur "Arturis" Orneck knows what its like to not be able to see straight; Most of his best artwork is done when he is half blind from sleep deprivation.

5 Comments for this post.
[Mandifesto] @ 7:55:41 AM Apr 24, 2012
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I gotta say that's a pretty creepy hat in its own right.  But I guess creepy comes with the territory when you're a Warlock.

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The old swapped my hat for a flaming spider gag, that never gets old. 

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I love the look of this set on my warlock, specially the purple heroic version of it.

[fraggadier] @ 1:55:51 AM Apr 25, 2012
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I love this for its humor, and the fact that I don't need to play World of Warcraft to understand this.

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...To be fair, it WAS a new transmog...  even if it was a flaming spider...

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